Creating tools & tech for enriched farming
Agri-Phoenix Feature: Curly
Name: Curly
Age: 28
Place: Rosedale
We, as humans, need not destroy our natural environment in order to survive. Damaging, factory-scale food production can be replaced by a new generation of farmers doing things differently. My small fruit and vegetable farm, where I also live with my wife and daughter, reflects a desire for self-sufficiency.
When I started about 4 years ago, many challenges made our farming experience extremely inefficient and time consuming. This is true for many small scale farms that want to respect soil health and are focused on good quality, nutrient dense food.
Turning away from traditional agricultural methods, we found we needed new methods and tools to continue farming. That led me to develop such tools myself. So Curly’s Ag was born.
I manufacture and develop tools designed to aerate the soil, prepare beds and transplant with minimal disturbance to both the microbes and soil structure. There’s a long list of new developments we hope to release in the near future.
The tools are manufactured in a solar-powered workshop. Most of my tools work with a battery powered drill, and I am developing more and more tools in this line. To me sustainability is as important in manufacturing and running your machines as it is in agriculture.
Today I sell my tools all around the world. I like to think I’m doing my part; helping people to farm in a way that’s beneficial not only to our environment but also for our health. While running this business I also run our own farm, supplying a lot of our needs, as well as yielding some to sell.
It is particularly important to me to find ways of farming that are not destructive to our soil and allow a regenerative cycle. This way we can live in accordance with the physical laws governing our natural world and our beings, in order to maintain health. If our agricultural practices destroy our soil, we will certainly reap the consequences, as we have already seen in many places.
My passion is for more and more people to grow their own food, to be self-sufficient and get involved in this sustainable way of farming. And if you face a challenge that would be solved with the right tool… I would love to create it!