Reduce, reuse, recycle; coffee grounds to health giving mushrooms
Agri-Phoenix Feature: Madi
Name: Madi
Age: 25
Organisation:Samford Valley Mushrooms
We take a waste product, in our case coffee grounds, and save it from landfill, recycling the chemical goodness of the coffee grounds to feed our produce: gourmet & medicinal mushrooms. After the harvest we turn what is left into mushroom compost which goes into the ground as a beneficial, rather than a harmful product.
I value my surrounding environment as a whole, as well as all its individual parts. Where we are based is mostly rural. We are surrounded by national parks & protected environments, waterways that run into Moreton Bay, wildlife, and beautiful floro from microscopic to majestic. There are also many small produce farms, horses, cattle and many other typical ‘rural’ things.
For me this lifestyle holds qualities that are instinctual and special. It reaches deep down into the core of a lot of people, probably due to the fact that this way of life has existed for centuries; it is essentially what we have all come from. I value my role in protecting that human history and encourage people’s interest in any way I can. I want to communicate the benefits of the lifestyle I thrive in to the broader community.
I am passionate to be involved as much as I can in local volunteer groups to protect and preserve the surrounding environment. I also participate in local groups that network with other farmers/producers and I make a point of getting to know my local farmers and their businesses. These connections provide lots of opportunities to share my knowledge and experience as a business and community member.
In this vein, I recently offered time to the Samford Edible GardenTrail Tour, which looked into the backyards of some of our local members to see what they were growing and tips on how to do this yourself. I was able to demonstrate how my business revolves around the ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ principle. This encouraged everyone to consider how to adopt these p[rinciples into your own backyard/daily life, no matter where you are.
Agriculture is vital for our future and survival. The more we involve and educate ourselves on all the different practices and possibilities, the more we can continue to move toward a more harmonious relationship with the landscape. Being separated from our relationship with the land has made us forget where we came from. This has serious and far reaching consequences in many areas of our lives today. Fortunately many people seem to be keen to establish a good healthy relationship with the land, aiming to improve/protect it as best they can. That change is critical.
My mantra for getting started is simple. Seek & you shall find. Protecting our landscape and everything it holds is a vital story, one I am passionate about. You don’t have to throw everything over and begin again. Start small by maybe growing a few things in your backyard. This can help our bees and feed you; purchase from your local farmers, get your hands dirty by attending a workshop on soil improvement. Be the best most sustainable consumer you can be by educating yourself about agricultural practices you and/or your business can contribute to protect and preserve this special place.