Future Ag Qld Team
We collaborate and incorporate people from our broad technical, policy, environmental and producer network to create skill sets as required by the project.
Pamela Greet

Dr Pamela Greet
Born in Home Hill. Started school in Childers. Attended primary schools in Childers, Gympie, Home Hill and Townsville. Undergraduate studies in Behavioural Science at James Cook University and various post graduate studies at UNE (education), ACU (leadership of not-for-profits), Deakin (Professional and Creative Writing) and finishing with a Doctorate in Creative Writing at the University of the Sunshine Coast.
I have lived the best part of my life in Queensland and some pretty decent bits in South Africa, Texas, Georgia, London, Cologne and Geneva. I am happiest in the bush, by a creek somewhere.
I have worked as a piano teacher, builder’s labourer, classroom teacher, disability therapist, community development facilitator, policy and program specialist, consultant, and public servant. Additionally I have been a board member or office bearer for nine not-for-profit or community organisations. I love reading, writing, gardening, cooking family meals and walking. And music of most kinds. Currently I am a board member of Queensland’s incredible chamber orchestra: Camerata which takes its responsibility to regional Queensland very seriously in a very fun way.
Learning, challenging myself, and doing something slightly scary every day is what makes life interesting.

Why Future Ag Qld?
In 2020 Australia faces an unprecedented necessity and opportunity to reshape its relationship with our landscape. In Queensland this includes the compromised reef, river catchments that feed the reef and support cattle, cane, cotton, and carrots, thousands of kilometres of coastal mangroves, inland and coastal communities, threatened savannah, brigalow and rainforest.
How to best look after this landscape and its legacy poses critical policy dilemmas often unhelpfully characterised as city Vs country. These baffle both government and other institutional players while presenting those whose home and livelihood is in the ‘country’ with difficult decisions every day.
I see an urgent need for us to depart from the usual politics of blame, to understand that the future of our rural, regional and remote landscapes, communities, and economies is a future we all share in.
After many years of working across this city/country divide in many different sectors and most recently across ag and environment, I am convinced there is no one ‘right way’ and no one policy framework that effectively shapes the best answers.
I am determined to play my part by facilitating collaboration and building connections between those who live these challenges daily and those people with evidence-based expertise and research capabilities, and the organisations and institutions - businesses and social enterprises - committed to practical solutions. All these participants must appreciate that this landscape is constantly evolving and changing.

Bringing an extensive and diverse set of professional experiences and skills to every challenge
I have designed projects and programs and monitoring and reporting processes for requirements as diverse as emergency food distribution and environmental health programs from Cape Town to Chechnya to Kowanyama.
Some of the assignments I have completed include:
- creating new livelihoods for women in abandoned sisal estates in Tanzania
- rebuilding communities after cyclone devastation in Haiti
- training community organisations in post-Ceaușescu Romania
- devising monitoring and evaluation frameworks for multi-country capacity-building projects
- reviewing critical Queensland health service delivery such as patient transport and emergency helicopter rescue
- delivering major community and sporting infrastructure projects across Queensland
- building a stakeholder engagement strategy and program for the Queensland Government’s Land Restoration Fund during its establishment phase.
I have the proven ability to reach agreed solutions between conflicting stakeholders and the capacity to broker consensus rather than prolonging the contestation of evidence. My strong ability to rapidly synthesise information together with exceptional communication skills will prove critical to solving policy and program problems and helping organisations to convincingly tell the story of their values and the outcomes they can deliver.

Future Ag Queensland's values
I will help organisations create effective and authentic engagement opportunities for all stakeholder groups, most particularly environmental groups, landowners and custodians. I am committed to creating responsive and flexible projects with inbuilt understanding of landholders’ practical constraints and motivations that deliver outcomes directly related to funders’ intentions.